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Spring Has Sprung: It’s Time to Detox!

Spring brings transformation and change; from darkness to light, from cold to warmth, from grey to bursts of colour. Here in Byron Bay, we are enjoying warm days and clear blue skies. Many of us are also feeling the urge to have a little spring clean of not only our houses but our bodies. This is completely in line with the natural rhythm of the seasons with Spring providing the best opportunity for us to deeply detoxify and cleanse the body of harmful impurities that have accumulated in our organs and tissues over the past months.

The Byron Bay Tea Company, Spring- Detox & Revitalise program brings to life the healing benefits of our tea range, combined with my many years of being a Naturopath. This program can be downloaded on our online store for $14.95.

Why Detox in Spring?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine- Spring is related to the wood element and to the liver and gallbladder so this is the focus of a spring cleanse whilst also supporting other organs of elimination- the bowel, kidneys, lymphatic system and skin.

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Spring: Detox & Revitalise Program

If you are missing that Spring in Your Step, it might be time to detox! Join our Spring program to find out how you can lighten the load and feel energised, positive & well again. This program can be downloaded on our online store for $14.95.

You might be quite surprised at how many common health complaints can be traced back to a high toxic load or unhappy liver, for example-: fatigue, bloating, heartburn, nausea, headaches, excessive sweating or itchy skin. If you experience these symptoms, this program is for you.

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T-Tox Collection: My Top 4 Teas for Detox

Herbal teas are a fantastic way to help hydrate and cleanse the body. Herbs that support the various elimination processes such as Dandelion root, Chicory root, Calendula, Ginger, Licorice, Nettles, Peppermint, and Fennel are highly beneficial. The Byron T-tox pack contains our top 4 teas for Detox including DandyliciousGreenDetox & Digest. $69.95 on our online store.

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Enjoy your Spring Clean!


Sarita x

& The BBTC Team

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